For the people by benefits In the pursuit of happiness
Build the school into a Model School of Fundamental Education For All-Around Development ,an Experimental Base of Foreign Language Teaching, and an International Exchange Platform in Educational Community.
Cultivate the students into the creative talents with outstanding foreign Language proficiency, science-and-art excellence, distinctive character, hometown attachment, and international visions.
校 训 :求实、创新、立德、树人
Seeking Truth ,Encouraging Innovation Building Morality ,Educating The Youth
校 风 :宽厚大气,严谨笃学
Generous schooling ,rigorous scholarship
教 风 :亲和、厚德、精博、执着
Approachable, respectable ,knowledgeable ,sustainable
学 风 :笃志、惜时、辩思、乐知
Aspiring, time-conscious, thoughtful, insatiable