录取学校 | 录取人数 |
普林斯顿大学 (Princeton University ) | 2 人 |
哥伦比亚大学 (Columbia University ) | 3 人 |
杜克大学 (Duke University ) | 1 人 |
加州理工大学 (California Institute of Technology ) | 1 人 |
南加州大学 (University of Southern California ) | 4 人 |
维克森林大学 (Wake Forest University ) | 2 人 |
密歇根大学安娜堡分校 (University of Michigan ) | 1 人 |
纽约大学 (New York University ) | 3 人 |
罗彻斯特大学 (University of Rochester ) | 1 人 |
波士顿大学 (Boston University ) | 2 人 |
图兰大学 (Tulane University ) | 2 人 |
宾州州立大学帕克校区 (Penn State University Park ) | 1 人 |
乔治华盛顿大学 (George Washington University ) | 1 人 |
印第安纳大学布鲁明顿分校 (Indiana University Bloomington ) | 2 人 |
芝加哥洛约拉大学 (Loyola University Chicago ) | 1 人 |
录取学校 | 录取人数 |
威廉姆斯学院 (Williams College ) | 1 人 |
汉密尔顿学院 (Hamilton College ) | 1 人 |
史密斯女子学院 (Smith College ) | 2 人 |
卫斯理大学 (Wesleyan University ) | 2 人 |
科尔比学院 (Colby College ) | 1 人 |
柯盖德大学 (Colgate University ) | 1 人 |
玛卡莱斯特学院 (Macalester College ) | 1 人 |
巴纳德学院 (Barnard College ) | 1 人 |
匹泽学院 (Pitzer College ) | 1 人 |
斯基德莫尔学院 (Skidmore College ) | 1 人 |
富兰克林马歇尔学院 (Franklin & Marshall College ) | 2 人 |
西方学院 (Occidental College ) | 1 人 |
三一学院 (Trinity College ) | 1 人 |
巴德学院 (Bard College ) | 2 人 |
(2) The Lower School Chorus | available to Third and Fourth graders | has rehearsal after school one day per week. |
(4) Past Middle School activities during school include Chorus | Band | Running |
Art | Interior Design | Model Congress |
Library Corps | Comic Book Club | Writing and Ball Games. |
(5) Middle School Intramural Sports are available to Fifth and Sixth graders | including Soccer | Basketball and Softball. After school clubs include Robotics |
Gear Girls and Rube Goldberg Team. | (6) High school clubs and musical ensembles meet during the last period of each day | (7) Sample of recent X-Block offerings: Chorus |
Jazz Ensemble | Wind Ensemble | Advanced Projects in Studio Art |
Anime and Manga | Class Films | GSA |
Literary Magazine
文学杂志 |
Makerspace | Model UN |
Robotics | (2) The Lower School Chorus | available to Third and Fourth graders |
has rehearsal after school one day per week. | (4) Past Middle School activities during school include Chorus | Band |
Running | Art | Interior Design |
Model Congress | Library Corps | Comic Book Club |
Writing and Ball Games. | (5) Middle School Intramural Sports are available to Fifth and Sixth graders | including Soccer |
Basketball and Softball. After school clubs include Robotics | Gear Girls and Rube Goldberg Team. | (6) High school clubs and musical ensembles meet during the last period of each day |
(7) Sample of recent X-Block offerings: Chorus | Jazz Ensemble | Wind Ensemble |
Advanced Projects in Studio Art | Anime and Manga | Class Films |
Literary Magazine
文学杂志 |
Makerspace |
Model UN | Robotics | Urban Agriculture. |
(1) In the Lower School our extracurricular club and athletic activities are part of our Afterschool | (3) Middle School clubs and extracurricular athletic activities take place both during the normal co | referred to as X-Block. X-blocks are open to students in grades 9 through 12 and are often initiated |
Urban Agriculture. (1) In the Lower School our extracurricular club and athletic activities are part | (3) Middle School clubs and extracurricular athletic activities take place both during the normal co | referred to as X-Block. X-blocks are open to students in grades 9 through 12 and are often initiated |
棒球 |
篮球 |
Cross Country
耐力跑 |
击剑 |
足球 |
垒球 |
游泳 |
网球 |
Track and Field
田径 |
排球 |