
Victoria University Secondary College

Victoria University Secondary College

Victoria University Secondary College

Victoria University Secondary College





  • 院校性质:公立
  • 授课语言:英语
  •   维多利亚大学附属中学(Victoria University Secondary College)建于2010年,位于墨尔本西部地区,距离市中心20公里。学校为自己和学生都设定了高标准,提供广泛的课程,从而使每一个学生都能发掘他们自身的潜力,探索他们自己感兴趣的领域。

      入学考试 无

      年级范围 7年级-12年级

    2019-04-20 16:32:47
  •   维多利亚大学附属中学(Victoria University Secondary College)建于2010年,位于墨尔本西部地区,距离市中心20公里。学校为自己和学生都设定了高标准,提供广泛的课程,从而使每一个学生都能发掘他们自身的潜力,探索他们自己感兴趣的领域。

      维多利亚大学附属中学(Victoria University Secondary College)教职员工与学生来自多个不同的种族群体。42%的师生在家讲除英语外的其他语言,20%的学生在海外出生。学校社区致力于从课堂开始,促进学生取得个人卓越成就。学校拥有合格敬业的教学团队,营造了积极向上的学习环境,鼓励学生努力发挥个人最大潜力。

      入学考试 无

      年级范围 7年级-12年级

    2019-03-16 11:04:38
  •   维多利亚大学附属中学(Victoria University Secondary College)建于2010年,位于墨尔本西部地区,距离市中心20公里。学校为自己和学生都设定了高标准,提供广泛的课程,从而使每一个学生都能发掘他们自身的潜力,探索他们自己感兴趣的领域。

      维多利亚大学附属中学(Victoria University Secondary College)教职员工与学生来自多个不同的种族群体。42%的师生在家讲除英语外的其他语言,20%的学生在海外出生。学校社区致力于从课堂开始,促进学生取得个人卓越成就。学校拥有合格敬业的教学团队,营造了积极向上的学习环境,鼓励学生努力发挥个人最大潜力。

      学费:AUD 15088

    2019-05-28 20:51:34
  •   维多利亚大学附属中学(Victoria University Secondary College)建于2010年,位于墨尔本西部地区,距离市中心20公里。学校为自己和学生都设定了高标准,提供广泛的课程,从而使每一个学生都能发掘他们自身的潜力,探索他们自己感兴趣的领域。

      维多利亚大学附属中学(Victoria University Secondary College)生活充满了浓厚的国际氛围,重视不同文化在学校里的和谐共处。维多利亚大学附属中学热忱欢迎来自世界各地的学生。

      入学考试 无

      年级范围 7年级-12年级

    2019-05-30 01:35:02
  •   维多利亚大学附属中学(Victoria University Secondary College)建于2010年,位于墨尔本西部地区,距离市中心20公里。学校为自己和学生都设定了高标准,提供广泛的课程,从而使每一个学生都能发掘他们自身的潜力,探索他们自己感兴趣的领域。

      维多利亚大学附属中学(Victoria University Secondary College)教职员工与学生来自多个不同的种族群体。42%的师生在家讲除英语外的其他语言,20%的学生在海外出生。学校社区致力于从课堂开始,促进学生取得个人卓越成就。学校拥有合格敬业的教学团队,营造了积极向上的学习环境,鼓励学生努力发挥个人最大潜力。

      维多利亚大学附属中学(Victoria University Secondary College)生活充满了浓厚的国际氛围,重视不同文化在学校里的和谐共处。维多利亚大学附属中学热忱欢迎来自世界各地的学生。

    2019-05-02 21:55:50
  •   维多利亚大学附属中学(Victoria University Secondary College)建于2010年,位于墨尔本西部地区,距离市中心20公里。学校为自己和学生都设定了高标准,提供广泛的课程,从而使每一个学生都能发掘他们自身的潜力,探索他们自己感兴趣的领域。

      维多利亚大学附属中学(Victoria University Secondary College)教职员工与学生来自多个不同的种族群体。42%的师生在家讲除英语外的其他语言,20%的学生在海外出生。学校社区致力于从课堂开始,促进学生取得个人卓越成就。学校拥有合格敬业的教学团队,营造了积极向上的学习环境,鼓励学生努力发挥个人最大潜力。

      维多利亚大学附属中学(Victoria University Secondary College)生活充满了浓厚的国际氛围,重视不同文化在学校里的和谐共处。维多利亚大学附属中学热忱欢迎来自世界各地的学生。

    2019-05-17 15:32:17
  •   Victoria University Secondary College(https://school.wjszx.com.cn/au/vusc/) offers a warm welcome to all members of the college community. At our college we pride ourselves on setting high standards for ourselves and our students. We offer a wide range of courses so that every individual can develop their talents and explore their own areas of interest. Our exemplary Performing Arts program is one of which we are very proud. Our High Achievers Program provides extension and challenge for highly proficient students. The broad range of sporting pursuits the college offers provide students with the chance to excel in the physical arena, while our strong focus on academic achievement encourages students make the most of their learning and build successful future careers. The rich program of learning the college offers makes it wonderful to be a part of such a vibrant and caring college.

    2019-03-10 18:03:19
  •   Victoria University Secondary College(https://school.wjszx.com.cn/au/vusc/) offers a warm welcome to all members of the college community. At our college we pride ourselves on setting high standards for ourselves and our students. We offer a wide range of courses so that every individual can develop their talents and explore their own areas of interest. Our exemplary Performing Arts program is one of which we are very proud. Our High Achievers Program provides extension and challenge for highly proficient students. The broad range of sporting pursuits the college offers provide students with the chance to excel in the physical arena, while our strong focus on academic achievement encourages students make the most of their learning and build successful future careers. The rich program of learning the college offers makes it wonderful to be a part of such a vibrant and caring college.

    2019-03-29 19:27:05
  •   Victoria University Secondary College(https://school.wjszx.com.cn/au/vusc/) offers a warm welcome to all members of the college community. At our college we pride ourselves on setting high standards for ourselves and our students. We offer a wide range of courses so that every individual can develop their talents and explore their own areas of interest. Our exemplary Performing Arts program is one of which we are very proud. Our High Achievers Program provides extension and challenge for highly proficient students. The broad range of sporting pursuits the college offers provide students with the chance to excel in the physical arena, while our strong focus on academic achievement encourages students make the most of their learning and build successful future careers. The rich program of learning the college offers makes it wonderful to be a part of such a vibrant and caring college.

    2019-04-13 16:15:08
  •   Victoria University Secondary College(https://school.wjszx.com.cn/au/vusc/) offers a warm welcome to all members of the college community. At our college we pride ourselves on setting high standards for ourselves and our students. We offer a wide range of courses so that every individual can develop their talents and explore their own areas of interest. Our exemplary Performing Arts program is one of which we are very proud. Our High Achievers Program provides extension and challenge for highly proficient students. The broad range of sporting pursuits the college offers provide students with the chance to excel in the physical arena, while our strong focus on academic achievement encourages students make the most of their learning and build successful future careers. The rich program of learning the college offers makes it wonderful to be a part of such a vibrant and caring college.

    2019-05-17 12:37:27