
Moorebank High School

Moorebank High School

Moorebank High School

Moorebank High School





  • 院校性质:公立
  • 授课语言:英语
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    2019-04-21 05:41:50

      摩尔班克公立中学(Moorebank High School)建于1975年,位于美丽的原始林区,是一所具有选择性和综合性的学校,学校致力于满足所有学生的学习需求,学校的目标是提供给学生一个刺激的和关心的环境,鼓励学生追求卓越。

      入学考试 Both

      年级范围 Year7 -Year12

    2019-05-05 12:26:08
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    2019-03-19 02:34:21

      摩尔班克公立中学(Moorebank High School)建于1975年,位于美丽的原始林区,是一所具有选择性和综合性的学校,学校致力于满足所有学生的学习需求,学校的目标是提供给学生一个刺激的和关心的环境,鼓励学生追求卓越。

      摩尔班克公立中学(Moorebank High School)认为,教育关系到所有孩子的发展,年轻人是未来的继承者,然而这个未来又有不确定性,挑战性和机遇性,在这种背景下,对学校来说,支持学生发展活力、创造力、适应能力和包容能力是至关重要的。学校还努力建立学生家长和老师之间的伙伴关系,通过多种的学习计划和项目,发展学生的智力,道德和情感。学校在学业,体育和文化方面,已经取得了令人瞩目的成绩。

      入学考试 Both

      年级范围 Year7 -Year12

    2019-04-09 06:22:26
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    2019-03-31 03:41:03

      摩尔班克公立中学(Moorebank High School)建于1975年,位于美丽的原始林区,是一所具有选择性和综合性的学校,学校致力于满足所有学生的学习需求,学校的目标是提供给学生一个刺激的和关心的环境,鼓励学生追求卓越。

      学费:AUD 14000

    2019-05-22 17:35:17
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    2019-03-06 14:46:22

      摩尔班克公立中学(Moorebank High School)建于1975年,位于美丽的原始林区,是一所具有选择性和综合性的学校,学校致力于满足所有学生的学习需求,学校的目标是提供给学生一个刺激的和关心的环境,鼓励学生追求卓越。

      摩尔班克公立中学(Moorebank High School)欢迎和尊重每一个学生的背景,期望与家长一起,给孩子建立一个安全、关心的学习环境

      入学考试 Both

      年级范围 Year7 -Year12

    2019-03-26 13:51:49
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    2019-03-01 11:27:26

      摩尔班克公立中学(Moorebank High School)建于1975年,位于美丽的原始林区,是一所具有选择性和综合性的学校,学校致力于满足所有学生的学习需求,学校的目标是提供给学生一个刺激的和关心的环境,鼓励学生追求卓越。

      摩尔班克公立中学(Moorebank High School)认为,教育关系到所有孩子的发展,年轻人是未来的继承者,然而这个未来又有不确定性,挑战性和机遇性,在这种背景下,对学校来说,支持学生发展活力、创造力、适应能力和包容能力是至关重要的。学校还努力建立学生家长和老师之间的伙伴关系,通过多种的学习计划和项目,发展学生的智力,道德和情感。学校在学业,体育和文化方面,已经取得了令人瞩目的成绩。

      摩尔班克公立中学(Moorebank High School)欢迎和尊重每一个学生的背景,期望与家长一起,给孩子建立一个安全、关心的学习环境

    2019-05-29 12:56:12
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    2019-04-19 20:27:03

      摩尔班克公立中学(Moorebank High School)建于1975年,位于美丽的原始林区,是一所具有选择性和综合性的学校,学校致力于满足所有学生的学习需求,学校的目标是提供给学生一个刺激的和关心的环境,鼓励学生追求卓越。

      摩尔班克公立中学(Moorebank High School)认为,教育关系到所有孩子的发展,年轻人是未来的继承者,然而这个未来又有不确定性,挑战性和机遇性,在这种背景下,对学校来说,支持学生发展活力、创造力、适应能力和包容能力是至关重要的。学校还努力建立学生家长和老师之间的伙伴关系,通过多种的学习计划和项目,发展学生的智力,道德和情感。学校在学业,体育和文化方面,已经取得了令人瞩目的成绩。

      摩尔班克公立中学(Moorebank High School)欢迎和尊重每一个学生的背景,期望与家长一起,给孩子建立一个安全、关心的学习环境

    2019-05-19 15:58:31
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    2019-03-24 09:29:41

      Moorebank High School(http://www.xueau.com/moorebankhigh/)said:Moorebank students have a proud history of successful achievement that is demonstrated through excellent academic results, impressive musical and artistic performance, fine sportsmanship, strong leadership and generous community service. In recent years numerous students have been involved in performances that are of the highest quality. Examples include several top 5 placings (including first in state) in various HSC subjects, individuals winning national and state vocational education training awards, sporting representation at national, state and regional levels, several NSW Minister of Education Awards for student achievement, as well as state and regional representation in music and dance. Other activities that showcase the talents of Moorebank students are our annual school art exhibition, the popular biennial Combined School Concert involving students from Moorebank High, Chipping Norton, Newbridge Heights and Nurrawa public schools, our music and dance evenings and our displays of HSC practical works.

    2019-04-18 19:23:37
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    2019-03-02 15:51:00

      Moorebank High School(http://www.xueau.com/moorebankhigh/)said:Moorebank students have a proud history of successful achievement that is demonstrated through excellent academic results, impressive musical and artistic performance, fine sportsmanship, strong leadership and generous community service. In recent years numerous students have been involved in performances that are of the highest quality. Examples include several top 5 placings (including first in state) in various HSC subjects, individuals winning national and state vocational education training awards, sporting representation at national, state and regional levels, several NSW Minister of Education Awards for student achievement, as well as state and regional representation in music and dance. Other activities that showcase the talents of Moorebank students are our annual school art exhibition, the popular biennial Combined School Concert involving students from Moorebank High, Chipping Norton, Newbridge Heights and Nurrawa public schools, our music and dance evenings and our displays of HSC practical works.

    2019-04-11 06:20:15
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    2019-04-18 05:36:29

      Moorebank High School(http://www.xueau.com/moorebankhigh/)said:Moorebank students have a proud history of successful achievement that is demonstrated through excellent academic results, impressive musical and artistic performance, fine sportsmanship, strong leadership and generous community service. In recent years numerous students have been involved in performances that are of the highest quality. Examples include several top 5 placings (including first in state) in various HSC subjects, individuals winning national and state vocational education training awards, sporting representation at national, state and regional levels, several NSW Minister of Education Awards for student achievement, as well as state and regional representation in music and dance. Other activities that showcase the talents of Moorebank students are our annual school art exhibition, the popular biennial Combined School Concert involving students from Moorebank High, Chipping Norton, Newbridge Heights and Nurrawa public schools, our music and dance evenings and our displays of HSC practical works.

    2019-04-23 06:51:24
  •   Moorebank High School(http://www.xueau.com/moorebankhigh/)said:Moorebank students have a proud history of successful achievement that is demonstrated through excellent academic results, impressive musical and artistic performance, fine sportsmanship, strong leadership and generous community service. In recent years numerous students have been involved in performances that are of the highest quality. Examples include several top 5 placings (including first in state) in various HSC subjects, individuals winning national and state vocational education training awards, sporting representation at national, state and regional levels, several NSW Minister of Education Awards for student achievement, as well as state and regional representation in music and dance. Other activities that showcase the talents of Moorebank students are our annual school art exhibition, the popular biennial Combined School Concert involving students from Moorebank High, Chipping Norton, Newbridge Heights and Nurrawa public schools, our music and dance evenings and our displays of HSC practical works.

    2019-05-24 10:20:59