2017-02-03 22:24:08
新泽西的wadlaw和康州的hamden hall如何选择?
Both are good schools which have high average SAT/ACT scores and low student-teacher ratio. They received good review from parents and students. A number of AP courses and a wide variety of extracurricular activities are available for students. ,
Hamden Hall upper schoolers have been known to make notable contributions to the community and outside entities, either via seniors' May Projects (in which all seniors participate in an internship-oriented activity for the month of May) or otherwise. Some upper schoolers have given concerts at local nursing homes and participated in trash cleanup days in the area.,
Wardlaw-Hartridge has a bit better review in terms of academics. And it offers instruction in visual and performing arts. Visual arts class and choir are mandatory for all Lower School students, and band class is mandatory for 3rd-5th graders. In Middle School, students must take visual art and choir, but students may choose between participation in band or keyboard class. In the upper school, all arts classes are electives. It has approximately 70% of their graduates in the last four years are enrolled in colleges and universities. Students matriculated to quality colleges like Rutgers University, New York University, Princeton University, Cornell University and Boston University.,
You can also choose based on your preferences on your extracurricular activities, or whether you are interested in a large or small school, and city or country school.
Ace Academy Debbie Hung 老師 02/08/2017
两所学校都属中档学校,整体费用都接近7万以上,Wardlaw 学校可以提供寄宿家庭,这方面会比较有优势。
米果VA赵宏老师 02/06/2017
两个学校都很棒,但是费用会差的比较多,因为Hamden是非教会学校,所以总体费用会比较贵,另外您需要考量的就是孩子大学的访校,还有就是Hamden的host family不是特别好找,这些因素你都需要考虑进去
卢可邦邦教育-卢可老师 02/05/2017
从学校官网来看,不确定Hamden Hall招国际生;Wardlaw有9%的国际生,9年级学费39000(Tution)+9500(Summer SEED)+寄宿家庭+其他。看上去学校有帮忙在找寄宿家庭,这点看上去还不错。,
美高顾问胡老师 02/05/2017
美高顾问胡老师 02/05/2017