

Hunter College High School
  • 混校
  • 省州:纽约州
  • 学生人数:1215 人
  • 官网:http://www.hunterschools.org/home

2017-10-09 23:34:15
在读6年级学生能不能考Hunter College High School 这所学校?

这是一所学业表现超强的公立高中,申请该校的要求比较多。具体如下:, “PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO CREATE AND SUBMIT AN APPLICATION., Test Date, The HCHS Entrance Exam for fall 2018 will be given on FRIDAY, JANUARY 5TH, 2018., The deadline to apply for the exam is FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH, 2017, at 4:00PM., , Testing Eligibility, The HCHS Entrance Exam is open only to students who are New York City residents AND who have earned a qualifying score on the 5th grade NYS Common Core English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Tests. Qualifying scores are subject to change each year. , , The qualifying scores needed to sit for the HCHS 2018 Entrance Exam are:, English Language Arts (ELA) Scale Score= 350 (or higher), Math Scale Score= 355 (or higher) , , ONLY STUDENTS WITH QUALIFYING SCORES IN BOTH THE 5TH GRADE ELA AND 5TH GRADE MATH TESTS WILL BE SEATED FOR THE HCHS ENTRANCE EXAM. , Students in independent and parochial schools -- who have not taken the NYS Common Core ELA and Mathematices exams -- must have scored in the 90th (national) percentile of the Reading Comprehension and Math tests used at their schools. Also, HCHS Admissions will accept (90th national percentile) 5th grade scores from the following standardized exams:, , *ERB Comprehensive Testing Program 4, * TerraNova, * Stanford Achievement Test, * Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP 4), * Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS), , Scores from school-specific exams, or from one of the exams listed above, must be reported by the testing agency directly to the HCHS Admissions office. , Official scores will NOT be accepted from the applicant or applicant's family. ”
7edu-Dr. Jing    10/11/2017

Hunter College High School是一所在纽约曼哈顿的学校,服务资质超越常人的学生(Gifted Students)。在读六年级可以申请七年级入学,但是学校不接受国际学生。学校要求所有申请学生为纽约市居民,并且在申请时候提交符合规定的英文和数学测验成绩(该测验为纽约统一测验,在学生5年级的时候进行),只有符合成绩要求的学生才能去学校参加入学考试,关于申请的详细情况可以去学校官网查看,http://www.hunterschools.org/hs/admissions-procedures,
美国创藤教育-Cathy老师    10/11/2017