2016-07-15 16:10:27
孩子今年申请17fall的9升9,现在4月托福90,预计年底托福在100分左右,喜欢机器人和计算机,有作品和参赛经历。还参加有空手道和网球等运动,喜欢温馨一些的学校。请问有适合孩子情况特别是机器人这一爱好的学校吗? 如果想用男校做safe,请问各位专家,Georgetown Preparatory School、Salisbury School、Avon Old Farms School、Church Farm School如何选择?
GPS。Church Farm不太好
尚读Mr. Leo刘老师 07/19/2016
GPS是最好的寄宿男校之一,招生非常selective,作为Safe学校有风险,不过我们成功帮助托福成绩和你差不多的孩子成功进入GPS。Salisbury School和AOF这两年也很热,竞争不小,托福录取平均分也不低。相对来说Church Farm School做Safe比较稳妥一些。
信安国外教育 - Tracy 07/19/2016
托福100 这些学校都是有可能性的,当然如果是作为safe的话church farm相对safe一些,其他学校的竞争还是挺大的。
Candice Zhou老师 07/19/2016
作Safe的学校要符合两个特点,第一是一定能够得着,起到保底的功能。 第二是学校的各项条件和水平在自己的接受范围内,也就是说万一要去这所学校读,也不会觉着不能接受。TOEFL100, SSAT也不错的话, Georgetown Preparatory School 做保底会起不到保底的作用,而Church Farm School 会太低了。 Salisbury School、Avon Old Farms School 可以考虑。
米果VA赵宏老师 07/17/2016
前两个学校可不能做为safe, 是要好好准备申请的, 我们这两年每年都有进salisbury 的学生, 供您参考,托福在95-100之间, ssat 在 2150左右。学校有机器人项目, 下面老师已经贴好网页。
美国依莱特教育张博士 07/16/2016
Salisbury School有机器人的项目,托福100分的话还是很有希望的。,
Salisbury is pleased to offer students a hand-on opportunity to explore the world of robotics. This new program kicked off in September 2013. Students may elect to participate in Robotics for a season in the place of afternoon athletics. ,
“The goal is to learn as much as we can about the software and the hardware that we have to see how much we can do with it,” notes Instructor in Science and Robotics Advisor Douglas Weisman. “There are many resources available to students and teachers, and our first job is to find the best ways to teach and learn programming and project management. The medium term goal is to have the ability to make machine parts with some basic shop tools. Eventually, we will integrate computer aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) into the program and have students use a 3-D printer to produce prototypes of their designs.” ,
The first project boys work on is creating a robot capable of moving, sensing its environment and lifting objects. This robot will be used for most of the programming activities. Initially, students will program their robots to do relatively simple tasks including navigating mazes, picking up balls and avoiding walls. As the term progresses, the tasks become increasingly sophisticated. The hope is that by the end of the season, boys will be able to program their robots to perform useful tasks. “Students use on-line tutorial videos, written directions, sample programs and occasional direct instruction about how the robots work and how to write programming. These skills will be helpful for future programming work since the language our students use is similar to the widely used C language,” comments Weisman.
乌日娜 07/16/2016
sandy11 09/13/2016