立思辰留学360介绍,西佛罗里达大学(University of West Florida,简称UWF)建于1963年,是于20世纪创建的新型公立研究型大学。 2007年,此大学在最好的研究生学院中排名56。这所大学还被普林斯顿评论评为最好的东南大学。西佛罗里达大学的后勤学队伍在国家后勤竞赛中获得名。另外,由此大学5名市场管理的学生,打败其他9所大规模大学,次赢得国家认可奖励。2008年,西佛罗里达大学被评为其中一所友好的大学。西佛罗里达大学的特色学科有文学、艺术、商科,同时也有工科、理科等学科专业。
西佛罗里达大学(University of West Florida,缩写UTF)是一所中等大小的公立综合性全国大学,成立于1963年,位于美国南部小城彭萨科拉,提供本科、硕士、博士、副学士四种学位类型。
For 50 years, the best and brightest minds have gathered at UWF, connecting coursework to careers in business and education; training professionals for an ever-changing health care landscape; preparing future scientists with hands-on experiences in the lab and preserving history through a world-class archaeology program. What started out as a ripple in 1967 has grown into a wave - of innovation, collaboration, creativity. Or, as it’s known at UWF - Sea Change.
Based in Pensacola with additional locations in the region, UWF is home to five academic colleges, offering a variety of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, as well as specialist degrees and a doctorate in education. With a student population of nearly 13,000, UWF is committed to a close-knit academic experience and is consistently named a top “military friendly” University. In 2016, UWF added football to its roster of NCAA Division II sports.
A driver of economic impact in Northwest Florida and beyond, UWF generates approximately $1.47 billion in total annual sales across the Florida economy.
At UWF, we see change coming, faster than ever, and we’re ready for it - because we’re leading it.