贝瑞大学(Barry University)是一所中等大小的私立综合性全国大学,成立于1940年,位于美国南部大型城市迈阿密海岸,提供本科、硕士、博士、文凭课程四种学位类型。
1.School's location
2.On-campus non-cafeteria dining spots
3.Campus Activities Board events
4.Wireless Internet
5.Free laundry on campus
6.The Barry Bookstore
7.greek life
8.Productions put on by the Department of Fine Arts
9.Barry gives generous financial aid
10.Diversity of the student body
1.Roussell Dining Hall
2.Slow Internet speed in the library
3.Dunspaugh community bathrooms/hallway noise
4.Required courses (theology, biology, mathematics)
5.Campus Security
7.Not having 24-hour library access
8.School spirit
9.Limited places to eat after the dining hall closes
10.Lack support for Greek life