立思辰留学360介绍,佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University)创校于 1851 年,它是一所公立研究型的高等学府,它位于美国佛罗里达州首府塔拉哈希(Tallahassee),并为佛罗里达州公立大学Florida State University体系中的一员,佛罗里达州立大学是美国最具活力的高等教育机构之一,因拥有国际一流的教学师资和尖端的科学研究而受到广泛关注,学校每年科研经费高达2亿美元。在佛罗里达州(Florida)共有30几所公私立的学院及大学,另有30所的社区学院,而佛罗里达州立大学在这里居领导地位。
IELTS 本科生6.5,研究生6.5(法学院* 法学硕士:7.0);
3.6-4.2 academic GPA;
25-29 ACT composite;
1730-1960 sat total.
4 units of English, at least three with substantial writing requirements
4 units of mathematics at the Algebra I level and higher
3 units of natural science, at least two with laboratory experience
3 units of social science
2 sequential units of the same foreign language or American Sign Language
2 elective units, preferably from the English, mathematics, natural science, social science, or foreign language areas
Writing- 21 on the ACT English or 21 on the ACT E/W or 500 on the SAT writing
Math- 21 on the ACT math or 500 on the SAT math
Reading- 22 on the ACT reading or 500 on the SAT critical reading