俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State, OSU)成立于1870年,位于俄亥俄州哥伦布市,是一所公立研究型大学,原系俄亥俄农机学院,于1878年改为俄亥俄州立大学,为州内第3大学校。据立思辰留学360介绍,该校属俄亥俄大学系统成员之一,其他5位成员分别是:俄亥俄州立大学莱马分校(Lima)、俄亥俄州立大学曼斯菲尔德分校(Mansfield)、俄亥俄州立大学马里恩分校(Marion)、俄亥俄州立大学纽瓦克分校(Newark)以及俄亥俄州立大学伍斯特分校(Wooster)。至1998年,俄亥俄州立大学一直运行硕耳射电望远镜,世界上最大和使用时间最长的用于搜索外星智慧的射电望远镜。
牙医学院 |
College of Dentistry |
法学院 |
Moritz College of Law |
医学院 |
College of Medicine |
药学院 |
Pharmacy |
教育与人类生态学院 |
College of Education and Human Ecology |
工程学院 |
College of Engineering |
食品、农业与环境科学学院 |
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences |
护理学院 |
College of Nursing |
眼科学院 |
College of Optometry |
药学院 |
College of Pharmacy |
公共卫生学院 |
College of Public Health |
社会工作学院 |
College of Social Work |
兽医学院 |
College of Veterinary Medicine |
艺术与科学学院 |
College of Arts and Sciences |
研究生院 |
Graduate School |
约翰格伦公共事务研究院 |
John Glenn School of Public Affairs |
费舍尔商学院 |
Max M. Fisher College of Business |
开设学位 |
见具体专业信息 |
学费 |
$32,229 |
申请截止日期 |
11月30日 |
最低79 |
GPA要求 |
3.0 |
可申请学期 |
秋季 |
最低7.0 |
gre要求 |
Required |
GRE Subject |
- |
(1) 研究生申请通常需要提供GRE或gmat(商学院);
(2) 申请截止日期:夏季学期申请截止日期是5月15日,秋季学期申请截止日期是7月15日,春季学期申请截止日期是12月1日,学院不保证每学期都接受录取,因此,建议大学越早申请越好;
(3) 俄亥俄州立大学接收TOEFL/IELTS/MELAB成绩,MELAB成绩要求最低82。
俄亥俄大学录取国际学生通常采用2种模式:正常录取、有条件录取(见词条说明)。通常情况下,学校开设研究生学位包括:硕士和博士。硕士通常要求学生在校修满至少30个学分,学制大概1.5-2年。分PlanA 和Plan B2种培养模式:看是否需要毕业论文。博士学位通常要求学生在校修够80个学分,即在硕士学分原有基础上额外修50个,学制大约4.5-7年。*(3)
申请表:completed application
申请费:non-refundable application fee
个人简历:a curriculum vitae if interested in fellowship consideration
语言要求: English proficiency requirement (international students)
资金证明: financial documentation
Tuition & Fees |
$32,229 |
Living expenses (9 months) |
$15,166 |
Total Expenses |
$47,395 |
专业英文名 |
学费 |
生活费 |
总计 |
GRADUATE STUDENTS (2 semesters) | |||
Accounting, Masters of |
$51,423 |
$15,676 |
$67,099 |
Accounting & MIS, PhD |
$32,751<, /FONT> |
$15,166 |
$47,917 |
Architecture |
$32,739 |
$15,166 |
$47,905 |
Art |
$32,553 |
$15,166 |
$47,731 |
Audiology, Doctor of |
$32,565 |
$15,166 |
$47,719 |
Business Administration, PhD |
$32,751 |
$15,166 |
$47,917 |
Education and Human Ecology |
$32,607 |
$15,166 |
$47,773 |
Engineering |
$32,739 |
$15,166 |
$47,905 |
Health Services Management and Policy, MHA |
$34,365 |
$15,166 |
$49,531 |
Human Resources Management, PhD |
$32,751 |
$15,166 |
$47,917 |
Nursing |
$35,128 |
$15,166 |
$50,294 |
Occupational Therapy, Master of (3 semesters) |
$44,004 |
$20,165 |
$64,169 |
Physical Therapy (3 semesters) |
$45,888 |
$20,165 |
$66,053 |
Public Health, Master of (including Program for Experienced Professionals) |
$32,821 |
$15,166 |
$47,987 |
Public Policy and Management |
$32,589 |
$15,166 |
$47,755 |
Social Work, Master of (Columbus Campus) |
$32,661 |
$15,166 |
$47,827 |
Speech Language Pathology, MA |
$32,565 |
$15,166 |
$47,731 |
All other Graduate Programs |
$32,229 |
$15,166 |
$47,395 |
俄亥俄州立大学通常向研究生颁发3种奖学金:1)新生奖学金(First –year Fellowship)和2)校长奖学金(President Fellowships)主要是针对毕业论文阶段;3)TA/R
艺术与科学学院(College of Arts & Sciences) | |
人类学 |
Anthropology |
考古学 |
Archaeology: Eastern U.S., Europe, Mesoamerica, Near East |
现代人群 |
Modern Populations: Africa, Japan, Southeast Asia, United States, Latin America and the Carribean, Samoa |
灵长类动物 |
Primates: Africa, Central America, SE Asia |
老年学 |
Aging/Gerontology |
考古学方法论 |
Archaeological method & theory |
生物考古学 |
Bioarchaeology |
生物医学人类学 |
Biomedical anthropology |
文化、发展和国际化 |
Culture, development and globalization |
生态人类学 |
Ecological anthropology |
经济人类学 |
Economic Anthropology |
人种学 |
Ethnographic methods |
进化遗传学 |
Evolutionary genetics |
食物与营养 |
Food and Nutrition |
法医 |
Forensics |
人类和非人类灵长类动物进化和生态学 |
Human and nonhuman primates evolution and ecology |
人类种群生物学 |
Human population biology |
迁移 |
Migration and transationalism |
古病理学 |
Paleopathology |
艺术 |
Art |
艺术与技术 |
art and technology |
陶瓷 |
ceramics |
玻璃 |
glass |
绘画和绘图 |
painting and drawing |
摄影 |
photography |
版画 |
printmaking |
雕塑 |
sculpture |
视觉艺术 |
Visual Arts |
艺术管理、教育与政策 |
Arts Administration, Education and Policy |
天文学 |
Astronomy |
大气科学 |
Atmospheric & Climatic Studies |
生物物理学 |
Biophysics |
英语 |
English |
文学理论和文化 |
Literature, Theory, and Culture |
创意写作 |
Creative Writing |
数字媒体研究 |
Digital Media Studies |
修辞与写作 |
Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy |
历史 |
History |
非洲史 |
African History |
非裔美国人史 |
African-American History |
美国历史 |
American History: |
美国内战前历史 |
American History to 1877 |
美国内战后历史 |
US History since 1877 |
古代史 |
Ancient History |
大西洋世界史 |
Atlantic World History |
商业史 |
Business History |
外交史 |
Diplomatic History |
东亚历史 |
East Asian History |
欧洲历史 |
European History: |
近代早期欧洲史 |
Early Modern European History |
现代欧洲史 |
Modern European History |
伊斯兰历史 |
Islamic History |
犹太历史 |
Jewish History |
拉美历史 |
Latin American History |
中世纪史 |
Medieval History |
军事史 |
Military History |
俄罗斯、东欧及欧亚历史 |
Russian, East European & Eurasian History |
性别和性史 |
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality History |
语言学 |
Linguisitics |
计算语言 |
Computational Linguistics |
联系语言学 |
Contact Linguistics |
描写语言学 |
Descriptive Linguistics |
历史语言学 |
Historical Linguistics |
语言习得 |
Language Acquisition |
形态学 |
Morphology |
发音学 |
Phonetics |
音韵学 |
Phonology |
语用学 |
Pragmatics |
韵律学 |
Prosody |
心理语言学 |
Psycholinguistics |
语义学 |
Semantics |
社会语言学 |
Sociolinguistics |
句法学 |
Syntax |
哲学 |
Philosophy |
戏剧 |
Theatre |
生物化学 |
Biochemistry |
化学 |
Chemistry |
生物统计学 |
Biostatistics |
物理教 |
Physics |
天文物理 |
Astrophysics |
原子物理 |
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |
生物物理学 |
Biophysics |
凝聚物理 |
Condensed Matter Physics |
冷原子物理 |
Cold Atom Physics |
高能物理 |
High Energy Physics |
核物理 |
Nuclear Physics |
物理教育 |
Physics Education |
宇宙物理 |
Cosmology |
化学物理 |
Chemical Physics |
地球科学 |
Earth Sciences |
环境科学 |
Environmental Sciences |
农业生态学 |
Agroecology |
生态工程与生态修复 |
Ecological Engineering and Ecosystem Restoration |
能源与环境系统与政策 |
Energy & Environmental Systems & Policy |
能源使用 |
Energy Resources and Use |
环境与人类健康 |
Environment & Human Health |
环境化学 |
Environmental Chemistry |
环境经济学与规划 |
Environmental Economics & Planning |
环境教育与沟通 |
Environmental Education & Communication |
环境政策与法律 |
Environmental Policy & Law |
环境毒理学 |
Environmental Toxicology |
全球变化与生物地球化学 |
Global Change & Biogeochemistry |
景观生态学 |
Landscape Ecology |
生理生态学研究 |
Physiological Ecology |
土壤生态学 |
Soil Ecology |
城市生态系统 |
Urban Ecosystems |
废物处理 |
Waste Management |
水与湿地资源 |
Water & Wetland Resources |
生态学、进化生物学与有机生物学 |
Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology |
数学 |
Mathematics |
精算学 |
Actuarial science |
代数与数论 |
Algebra and number theory |
代数和微分几何 |
Algebraic and differential geometry |
应用数学 |
Applied mathematics |
古典与现代数学分析 |
Classical and modern analysis |
组合学 |
Combinatorics and group theory |
动力系统 |
Dynamical systems and ergodic theory |
逻辑 |
Logic |
概率论 |
Probability theory |
数学生物学 |
Mathematical biology |
普通和偏微分方程 |
Ordinary and partial differential equations |
表示论 |
Representation theory |
科学计算 |
Scientific computing |
拓扑 |
Topology |
微生物学 |
microbiology |
分子、细胞与发育生物学 |
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology |
分子遗传学 |
Molecular Genetics |
神经科学 |
NeuroSciences |
传播学 |
Communication |
传播技术 |
Communication Technology |
健康传播与社会影响 |
Health Communication and Social Influence |
大众传播 |
Mass Communication |
政治传播与公众舆论 |
Political Communication and Public Opinion |
经济学 |
Economics |
经济理论 |
计量经济学 |
经济史学 |
工业组织 |
国际经济 |
劳动经济学 |
货币与宏观经济理论 |
公共财政与城市经济学 |
地理 |
Geography |
环境与社会 |
Environment & Society |
GIS与空间分析 |
GIS & Spatial Analysis |
城市、区域和全球研究 |
Urban, Regional & Global Studies |
大气和气候研究 |
Atmospheric and Climatic Studies |
政治学 |
Political Sciences |
美国政治 |
American politics |
比较政治学 |
comparative politics |
国际政治 |
international politics |
政治理论 |
political theory |
政治经济 |
political economy |
政治心理学 |
political psychology |
形式理论 |
formal theory |
种族与性别 |
race, gender, and ethnicity |
政治学方法论 |
political methodology |
心理学 |
Psychology |
行为神经科学 |
Behavioral Neuroscience |
临床心理学 |
Clinical Psychology |
认知心理学 |
Cognitive Psychology |
发展心理学 |
Developmental Psychology |
智力和发育障碍 |
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities |
定量心理学 |
Quantitative Psychology |
社会心理学 |
Social Psychology |
社会学 |
Sociology |
言语与听力科学 |
Speech and Hearing Science |
舞蹈 |
Dance |
编舞 |
Choreography |
表演 |
Performance |
乐谱与分析 |
Notation and Analysis |
照明和制作 |
Lighting and Production |
舞蹈史、理论与文学 |
History, Theory and Literature |
舞蹈和技术 |
Dance and Technology |
设计研究与开发 |
Design Research and Development |
数字动画与交互媒体 |
Digital Animation and Interactive Media |
设计 |
Design |
音乐 |
Music |
指挥和乐团 |
Conducting and Ensembles |
爵士乐研究 |
Jazz Studies |
音乐教育 |
Music Education |
音乐学 |
Musicology |
管弦乐器 |
Orchestral Instruments: Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion, Strings |
理论与作曲 |
Theory and Composition |
钢琴 |
Piano |
声乐 |
Voice |
商学院(College of Business) | |
金融 |
Finance |
财务报告与分析 |
Financial Reporting and Analysis |
国际贸易 |
International Business |
领导与组织行为 |
Leadership and Organizational Behavior |
市场营销 |
Marketing |
运营与物流 |
Operations and Logistics |
企业战略 |
Strategy |
人力资源管理 |
Human Resource Management |
商业物流工程 |
Business Logistics Engineering |
商业运营 |
Business Operational Excellence |
金融 |
Finance |
会计与信息系统管理 |
Accounting & Management Information System |
工商管理 |
Business Administration |
金融 |
Finance |
人力资源管理 |
Human Resource Management |
国际贸易 |
International Business |
市场营销及物流 |
Marketing and Logistics |
运营管理 |
Operations Management |
组织行为学 |
Organizational Behavior |
战略与企业管理 |
Strategy and Entrepreneurship |
工程学院(College of Engineering) | |
航空航天工程 |
Aerospace Engineering |
建筑 |
Architecture |
生物医学工程 |
Biomedical Engineering |
物流工程 |
Business Logistics Engineering |
化学与生物分子工程 |
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering |
土木与环境工程 |
Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering |
城市与区域规划 |
City and Regional Planning |
计算机科学与工程 |
Computer Science and Engineering |
电气工程 |
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
食品工程 |
Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering |
产业与信息工程 |
Industrial and Systems Engineering |
景观建筑 |
Landscape Architecture |
材料工程 |
Materials Science and Engineering |
机械工程 |
Mechanical Engineering |
核工程 |
Nuclear Engineering |
焊接工程 |
Welding Engineering |
飞行力学 |
flight mechanics |
空气动力学 |
aerodynamics |
气动声学 |
aeroacoustics |
气动弹性 |
aeroelasticity |
推进系统和动力 |
propulsion and power |
动力学与控制 |
dynamics and control |
结构力学 |
structure mechanics |
生物成像 |
Bioimaging |
生物传输 |
Biotransport |
生物材料 |
Biomaterials |
生物力学 |
Biomechanics |
分子、细胞和组织工程 |
Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Engineering |
微纳米技术 |
Micro/Nanotechnology: Biomedical Devices |
应用分子生物学 |
Applied Molecular Biology |
生物工程与技术 |
Bioengineering/Biotechnology |
胶体、气溶胶与颗粒技术 |
Colloids/Aerosols/Particle Technology |
流体力学 |
Fluid Mechanics/Multiphase Flow |
分子热力学 |
Molecular Thermodynamics |
纳米材料 |
Polymer/Nanomaterials |
处理系统工程 |
Process Systems Engineering |
催化 |
Reaction Engineering/Catalysis |
建造工程 |
Construction Engineering and Management |
地质工程 |
Geoinformation and Geodetic Engineering |
结构工程 |
Structural Engineering |
交通运输工程 |
Transportation Engineering |
水资源与环境工程 |
Water Resources and Environmental Engineering |
环境与土地利用规划 |
Environmental and Land Use Planning |
地理信息系统 |
Geographic Information Systems |
房屋、房地产和社区规划 |
Housing, Real Estate and Neighborhood Planning |
国际发展规划 |
International Development Planning |
物理规划与设计 |
Physical Planning and Design |
规划政策和流程 |
Planning Policy and Process |
交通规划 |
Transportation Planning |
城市与区域经济规划 |
Urban and Regional Economic Planning |
模拟和射频电子电路 |
analog and RF electronic circuits |
通信和信号处理 |
communications and signal processing |
计算机和数字系统 |
computer and digital systems |
计算机视觉和图像处理 |
computer vision and image processing |
控制系统 |
control systems |
电磁学 |
electromagnetics |
遥感和微波 |
remote sensing and microwaves |
电光学和光子学 |
electro-optics and photonics |
智能交通 |
intelligent transportation |
纳米技术和电子材料 |
nanotechnology and electronic materials |
互联网 |
networking |
机器人 |
robotics |
可持续的能源和电力系统 |
sustainable energy and power systems |
牙医学院(College of Dentistry) | |
牙医 |
Dentistry |
教育与人类生态学院(Colleges of Education and Human Ecology) | |
教育咨询 |
Counselor Education |
教育文化基础 |
Cultural Foundations of Education |
教育管理 |
Educational Administration |
教育政策 |
Educational Policy |
教育心理学 |
Educational Psychology |
教育技术 |
Educational Technology |
高等教育和学生工作 |
Higher Education and Student Affairs |
教育哲学 |
Philosophy of Education |
教育研究 |
Qualitative Research in Education |
定量研究与评估 |
Quantitative Research, Evaluation and Measurement |
学校心理学 |
School Psychology |
特殊教育 |
Special Education |
教师教育政策与领导 |
Teacher Education Policy and Leadership |
劳动力发展与教育 |
Workforce Development and Education |
教育学 |
Educational Study |
消费科学 |
Consumer Sciences |
人类发展与家庭学 |
Human Development and Family Science |
人类营养 |
Human Nutrition |
运动学 |
Kinesiology |
体育健身 |
Sport, Fitness, and Health Program (non-degree) |
教学 |
Teching & Learning |
环境与自然资源学院(School of Environmental & Natural Resources) | |
生态修复 |
Ecological Restoration |
生态科学 |
Ecosystem Science |
环境社会科学 |
Environmental Social Sciences |
渔业和野生动物科学 |
Fisheries and Wildlife Science |
林业科学 |
Forest Science |
农村社会学 |
Rural Sociology |
土壤科学 |
Soil Science |
环境经济与可持续发展 |
Environment, Economy, Development, and Sustainability (EEDS) |
环境科学 |
Environmental Science (ES) |
林业、渔业和野生动物 |
Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife (FFW) |
自然资源管理 |
Natural Resource Management (NRM) |
环境政策与决策 |
Environmental Policy and Decision Making (EPDM) |
食品农业与环境科学(College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences) | |
农业传播、教育和领导 |
Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership |
农业环境与发展经济学 |
Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics |
动物科学 |
Animal Sciences |
昆虫学 |
Entomology |
食品动物卫生研究 |
Food Animal Health Research Program |
食品科学与技术 |
Food Science and Technology |
食品、农业与生物工程 |
Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering |
园艺和作物科学 |
Horticulture and Crop Science |
植物病理学 |
Plant Pathology |
农业传播 |
Agricultural Communication |
农业教育 |
Agricultural Education |
社区服务和推广教育 |
Community and Extension Education |
国际发展 |
International Development |
农业领导 |
Leadership |
农药应用技术 |
Agrichemical Application Technology |
农业安全与卫生 |
Agricultural Safety and Health |
农业用水管理 |
Agricultural Water Management |
农业空气质量 |
Agricultural Air Quality |
生物工程 |
Bio Engineering |
堆肥处理 |
Composting |
建设系统管理 |
Construction Systems Management |
生态工程 |
Ecological Engineering |
食品与加工工程 |
Food and Process Engineering |
温室工程 |
Greenhouse Engineering |
流域系统 |
Watershed Systems |
废水和固体废物处理 |
Wastewater and Solid Waste Management |
公共事务学院(College of Public Affairs) | |
公共管理 |
Public Administration |
法学院(College of Law) | |
法学 |
Law |
行政法与政府管制 |
Administrative Law and Government Regulation |
纠纷解决 |
Alternative Dispute Resolution |
民权 |
Civil Rights |
临床实践 |
Clinics and Experiential Learning |
企业和消费者保护法 |
Commercial and Consumer Law |
宪法 |
Constitutional Law |
企业法 |
Corporate Law |
刑法 |
Criminal Law |
教育法律与政策 |
Education Law and Policy |
选举法 |
Election Law |
就业和劳动法 |
Employment and Labor Law |
环境与能源法 |
Environmental Law and Energy |
家庭关系及遗嘱和信托基金 |
Family Relations and Wills and Trusts |
卫生法与政策 |
Health Law and Policy |
知识产权和技术法 |
Intellectual Property and Technology Law |
国际法和比较法 |
International and Comparative Law |
法理学和法律理论 |
Jurisprudence and Legal Theory |
法学与其他学科 |
Law and Other Disciplines |
法律职业伦理 |
Legal Profession and Ethics |
法律文书写作 |
Legal Writing |
立法与政治法 |
Legislation and the Law of Political Process |
诉讼和司法 |
Litigation and the Judicial Process |
公共利益法 |
Public Interest Law |
房地产 |
Real Estate |
体育法 |
Sports Law |
税法 |
Taxation |
医学院(College of Medicine) | |
生物医学 |
Biomedical Informatics |
整合生物医学 |
Integrated Biomedical Science Graduate Program |
微生物感染与免疫学 |
Microbial Infection and Immunity |
分子与细胞生物化学 |
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry |
分子病毒学、免疫学和遗传学神经科学 |
Molecular Virology, Immunology and Medical Genetics Neuroscience |
药理学 |
Pharmacology |
生理学和细胞生物学 |
Physiology and Cell Biology |
解剖学 |
Anatomy |
运动训练 |
Athletic Training |
卫生信息管理与信息系统 |
Health Information Management & Systems |
健康科学 |
Health Sciences |
理学硕士 |
Master of Science |
医学营养学 |
Medical Dietetics |
医疗化验科学 |
Medical Laboratory Sciences |
职业治疗 |
Occupational Therapy |
放射学及治疗 |
Radiologic Sciences and Therapy |
呼吸治疗 |
Respiratory Therapy |
健康与康复科学 |
PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
物理疗法 |
Physical Therapy |
护理学院(College of Nursing) | |
护理 |
Nursing |
验光学院(College of Optometry) | |
验光学 |
Optometry |
药学院(College of Pharmacy) | |
药剂学 |
Pharmaceutics |
药理学 |
Pharmacology |
医药化学与药学 |
Medicinal Chemistry & Pharmacognosy |
转化科学 |
Translational Science |
药学 |
Pharmacy |
公共卫生学院(College of Public Health) | |
生物统计学 |
Biostatistics |
环境卫生科学 |
Environmental Health Sciences |
流行病学 |
Epidemiology |
卫生行为与提升 |
Health Behavior and Health Promotion |
卫生服务管理政策 |
Health Services Management and Policy |
社会工作学院(College of Social Work) | |
社会工作 |
Social Work |
兽医学院(College of Veterinary Medicine) | |
兽医生物科学 |
Veterinary Biosciences |
兽医临床科学 |
Veterinary Clinical Sciences |
兽医预防医学 |
Veterinary Preventive Medicine |