立思辰留学360介绍,贝勒大学(Baylor University)成立于1845年,位于美国德克萨斯州的小城韦科,是一所中等大小私立综合性大学,同时也是全世界最大的浸信会大学。1000多英亩的校园全部位于布拉索斯河畔。
84 |
学费 |
$17,270/学期 |
申请截止日期 |
2月15日 |
80以上 |
GPA要求 |
平均分:3.5 |
可申请学期 |
秋季 |
6.5以上 |
gre要求 |
70% |
GRE Subject |
Not Requeird |
贝勒大学生物学系(Biology Department)研究生开设有MA、MS和PhD三种学位项目,分别是:
- Doctor of Philosophy in Biology
- Master of Science in Biology
- Master of Arts in Biology - Health Concentration*(3)
- 生态学与进化生物学(ecology and evolutionary biology, EEB)
- 地球年龄与化石记录(Age of earth and the fossil record)
- 自然选择(Natural selection)
- 选择与漂移(Selection and drift)
- 循序渐进与暂停(Gradualism vs. punctuation)
- 系统发育与系同学(Phylogeny and systematics)
- 同源性与衔接(Analogy, homology, convergence)
- 人类进化史(Human evolutionary history)
- 生物多样性与分类级别(Classification of biodiversity at higher taxonomic levels)
- 动植物胚胎发育(Embryonic development patterns in animals and plants)
- 渗透压调节与水平衡(Osmoregulation and water balance)
- 细胞光合作用(Energy processes: photosynthesis, chemosynthesis, cellular respiration)
- 种群生态学(Population ecology)
- 群落生态学(Community ecology)
- 能量流动与效率(Energy flow and efficiency)
- 利基与竞争(Niche and competition)
- 生物多样性、生物保护与入侵(Biodiversity, conservation, restoration, and invasion ecology)
- 全球生物地球化学循环与生态系统过程(Global biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem processes)
- 细胞分子与发育生物学(molecular, cellular and developmental biology, MCD)
- 细胞信号转导与囊泡运输(Cell signaling, Vesicle Trafficking)
- 转录后加工(Post-transcriptional processing)
- 基因组学与蛋白质组学(Genomics/proteomics)
- 细胞骨架(Cytoskeletons)
- 细胞行为(Cell Behaviors: adhesion, proliferation, differentiation, and death)
- 分子技术(Molecular Techniques)
- 基因与基因组复制(Gene/genome duplication; exon shuffling; gene families)
- 基因表达控制(Gene expression control)
- 基因突变与分子老化(Mutations, mutation analysis, molecular aging)
- 移动元素与基因组解剖(Mobile elements and genome anatomy)
- 分子系统学(Molecular phylogenetics)*(5)
(1) 2014-2015 Graduate Flat Rate Full-Time Budgets Baylor University
(2)Submit Test Scores Baylor University
(3)College of Arts & Sciences: Graduate Biology Programs Baylor University
(4)College of Arts & Sciences: Department of Biology Admissions Baylor University
(5)College of Arts & Sciences: Department of Biology Graduate Student Handbook Baylor University