

2019-05-30 03:21:43
  圣路易斯华盛顿大学美国最负盛名的私立精英大学之一。圣路易斯华盛顿大学并不是什么“分校”,而是完全独立且实力与排名秒杀西海岸那个UW的私立精英大学。立思辰留学360老师介绍,过去5年里,圣路易斯华盛顿大学连续向US News 全美排名Top10发起冲击,09和10两年更是力压常青藤盟校布朗大学与康奈尔并列全美第12。其入学竞争激烈程度和哥伦比亚大学并列排名第5。相关专业学院也是排名显赫:乔治沃伦布朗社会工作学院排名全美第1,医学院排名全美第3,建筑学院排名全美第4,工程学院的生物医学工程系排名全美第12,法学院和Olin商学院排名全美第19。





School: Choose one that matches your academic interest indicated on admission application

Name of Scholarship or Fellowship


Application/ Recommendations Needed?

College of Arts & Sciences: Honorary Scholars Program

Arthur Holly Compton Fellowship Program

Up to 4 full-tuition fellowships with a $1,000 stipend in physical sciences and mathematics

Application/ 2 teacher recommendations/ optional research recommendation

George E. Mylonas Scholarship Program

Up to 4 full-tuition scholarships with a $1,000 stipend in humanities

Application/ 2 teacher recommendations/ optional research recommendation

Florence Moog Fellowship Program

Up to 4 full-tuition fellowships with a $1,000 stipend in biological sciences and chemistry

Application/ 2 teacher recommendations/ optional research recommendation

Arnold J. Lien Scholarship Program

Up to 4 full-tuition scholarships with a $1,000 stipend in social sciences

Application/ 2 teacher recommendations/ optional research recommendation

Liselotte Dieckmann Scholarship Program

Up to 16 half-tuition scholarships in the College of Arts & Sciences

No. Students are chosen from the Compton, Mylonas, Moog, and Lien applicant pool.

Howard Nemerov Writing Scholars Program

Up to 10 $3,000 scholarships

Application plus writing portfolio/ English teacher recommendation

J. Stephen Fossett Pathfinder Fellowship

Up to 1 full-tuition fellowship with a research stipend.

Application/ 2 teacher recommendations/ optional research recommendation

College of Architecture

James W. Fitzgibbon Scholarships

1 full-tuition scholarship with a $1,000 stipend; up to 5 $6,000 scholarships


College of Art

Conway/Proetz Scholarships

1 full-tuition scholarship; up to 5 $6,000 scholarships

No. All applicants to the College of Art who include portfolios are automatically considered for this scholarship. There is no separate application.

Olin Business School

Deans Scholarships in Business

1 or more full-tuition scholarships; up to 5 partial-tuition scholarships

Application/3 recommendations, at least 1 from a teacher

School of Engineering & Applied Science: Engineering Scholarship Programs

Alexander S. Langsdorf Fellowships

Up to 4 full-tuition fellowships

Application/2 recommendations, with 1 from a teacher

Calvin M. Woodward Fellowships

Up to 8 partial-tuition fellowships, up to half tuition each

No. Students are chosen from the Langsdorf applicant pool.

James M. McKelvey Undergraduate Research Award

Up to 8 $5,000 research awards

Application/2 recommendations, with 1 from a teacher

Arts & Sciences, Engineering

Summer Scholars Program in Biology and Biomedical Research

Up to 20 scholars receive travel expenses within the U.S., and living expenses for a 7-week on-campus stay during the summer preceding their freshman year

Application/science teacher recommendation

All Schools: You may apply for as many of these as you wish.

Entrepreneurial Scholars Program

Up to 8 $3,000 scholarships


2 recommendations

John B. Ervin Scholars Program

 Multiple partial-tuition scholarships

 Multiple full-tuition scholarships with $2,500 stipends


community leader recommendation

Annika Rodriguez Scholars Program

 Multiple partial-tuition scholarships

 Multiple full-tuition scholarships with $2,500 stipends





  Washington University Chancellor‘s Graduate Fellowship Program

  Washington University Olin Fellowships for Women

  American Association of University Women

  American Indian Science and Engineering Society

  Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association Fellowships

  Hertz Foundation

  Hispanic Scholarship Fund

  Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program

  NASA Graduate Student Researchers Program

  National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship

  National Science Foundation

  The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans

  另外,还有一个国际协作的奖学金项目:McDonnell International Scholars Academy,只有就读于工程及应用科学院的工程学专业的研究生才有资格选择申请该项奖学金,它是由亚洲、东欧以及南美地区(已有计划将范围扩展到非洲国家),超过20个大学组成的联合组织,这些大学包括北京清华大学、上海复旦大学、新加坡国立大学、台北的台湾国立大学、东京大学、曼谷Chulalongkorn大学、香港中文大学、圣地亚哥的智利大学等。得到该项奖学金的学生可以在全球组织范围内的大学里,进行交换生学习、课题研究、实习,所涉及到的科研项目,在其它众多大学及工程学院里是没有的。该奖学金项目需在线申请,同时要提交一份1,000字左右的陈述书。提交申请材料的日期是每学年的10月1日到次年的2月1日。该项奖学金每学年将提供奖金$26,000,但每次发放的限额是$1,500。
