缅因大学(The University of Maine)是美国缅因州最大的大学。它于1862年成立。 缅因大学一共有11万多个学生。 它在欧洛诺市(Orono)的分校, 离班戈尔市(Bangor)很近。 立思辰留学360老师介绍,缅因大学的佛格拉图书馆(Fogler Library)是缅因州最大的, 一共有一百万多本书, 也有一些中文杂志。
The University of Maine at Machias, a member of the University of Maine System, is a place where the rugged Atlantic landscape pairs with a strong liberal arts core to prepare students for academic success and the advancement of a sustainable environment. UMM students are a diverse community, nurtured by a dedicated faculty, who are equipped to succeed in an array of careers. Campus life is a collage of academics, out-of-classroom experiences, and growth opportunities. Students of The University of Maine at Machias are refined to be stronger academically, intellectually, socially.