萨姆休斯敦州立大学(Sam Houston State University,缩写SHSU)是一所大型公立综合性全国大学,成立于1879年,位于美
萨姆休斯敦州立大学(Sam Houston State University,缩写SHSU)是一所大型公立综合性全国大学,成立于1879年,位于美国西部小城亨茨维尔(Huntsville, TX),提供本科、硕士、博士,三种学位类型。 申请点评 好评项: 1.Attractive campus. 2.The criminal justice program. 3.The Education program. 4.Health & Kinesiology Center (gym). 5.Low student-to-professor ratio means professors actually know their students. 6.The mass communication department. 7.Quality professors who care. 8.Sammy Bearkat, the school mascot. 9.School spirit. 10.The small-town feel of Huntsville and the proximity of campus to its surroundings. 差评项: 1.Availability of parking spots. 2.Class attendance policy. 3.Humidity and allergens throughout the year. 4.Keeping busy between classes. 5.Lack of shopping and amusement attractions. 6.No matter what part of campus you are heading toward, you will be walking up a very steep hill. 7.Parking tickets. 8.Tuition and fees continue to rise. 9.Variety of dining options. 本科申请 基本信息: