Northeastern State University
在校学生数量 | 8276名 |
本科生数量 | 0名 |
研究生数量 | 0名 |
师生比例 | 1:17 |
学生性别比例 | 2:3 |
国际学生比例 | 0.00 |
总费用: $20,701
Out-of-State Tuition: $11,628
Room and Board: $7,918
Books & Supplies: $1,155
Northeastern State is a public, comprehensive university. It was founded in 1846 as a result of a treaty between the U.S. and the Cherokee Nation to provide higher education for the Cherokees. Programs are offered through the Colleges of Arts and Letters, Business and Industry, Education, Optometry, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Mathematics, Science, and Nursing, and the Graduate College. Its 160-acre campus is located in Tahlequah, 60 miles from Tulsa.
2019-04-16 07:45:49
2019-02-16 05:51:53
2019-04-11 08:21:01